How to Quickly Copy the Every Other Row in Excel Worksheet

In some cases, you may want to perform data analysis on every other row in a table, such as calculating averages or performing other calculations. By copying every other row, you can quickly create a new table with the necessary data for analysis.

For example, suppose there are multiple rows in a spreadsheet and we want to extract only the odd or even rows.

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In fact, extracting odd or even rows is equivalent to copying every other row in the original table to a new location. This post will show you some ways to copy every other row to another location in Excel. After reading this post, you can choose anyone to apply it in your daily work.

Read More: Copy Non-Adjacent Cells or Columns or Rows in Excel

Copy The Every Other Row by Traditional Copy and Paste Features

If you only have a few rows to extract and copy to another location, you can simply use the traditional copy and paste function by pressing the “Ctrl” key to select the multiple rows you want to copy.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Select the first line that you want to copy. In this example, select the range A1:B1.

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Step 2: Hold down the “Ctrl” key and select every other odd row that you want to copy.

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Step 3: Press “Ctrl + C” on your keyboard to copy the selected odd rows.

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Step 4: Select the first cell in the new location where you want to paste the copied rows.

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Step 5: Right-click on the selected cell and choose “Paste” from the menu. You can also press “Ctrl + V” on your keyboard to paste the selected rows.

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In this way, the selected rows are copied to the new location, and the copied rows are not separated.

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Copy The Every Other Row by Filter Function

We can also copy every other row in a table to another location with the Filter function. We need to create a helper column to help us achieve it. Here are the specific steps.

Step 1: Create a helper column in column C. Populate the value “0” to the odd rows and the value “1” to the even rows.

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Step 2: Select the helper column and click the “Filter” button on the “Data” tab in the ribbon.

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Step 3: Click the dropdown arrow in the column header of the helper column that contains “0” and “1” numbers.

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Step 4: Filter by value “0” and apply the filter.  Then only the odd number rows are visible. The even number rows are hidden.

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Step 5: Select the filtered rows, press “Ctrl + C” to copy the selected rows.

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Step 6:  Select the first cell in the new location and press “Ctrl + V” to paste the selected row. You may find that some rows are invisible because they are hidden.

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Step 7. Click on “Filter” in the ribbon to clear the filter. All hidden rows are unhidden and visible. The selected rows are copied correctly to the new location.

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Copy The Every Other Row by Fill Handle

If you want to keep a blank row between each selected row to keep the table structure unchanged, you can refer to the following steps.

Step 1: Create a simple formula “=A1” in cell D1.

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This formula will help us copy the value of A1 to the currently selected cell.

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Step 2: Keep D1 selected. Drag the handle to fill the formula to cell E1.

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Due to the location change, the formula is updated to “=B1“.

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Step 3: Select the range D1:E2. This range contains two short rows, row1(D1:E1) is the row copied from the original table by the fill formula and row2 is a blank row which is used to separate the copied rows.

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Step 4: Drag the handle down so that the following rows are filled with reference to the rule. In this way, not only the values, but also the structure of the table is copied to the new location.

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Copying every other row in Excel is a useful technique in a variety of situations, such as filtering data and data analysis. It can help simplify the process of working with large data sets and can make it easier to spot outliers in the data. You can choose the appropriate way to copy the every other row in Excel depending on the specific task at hand and the requirements of the project or analysis.

How to Export a Range of Data to HTML or Web Page File in Excel

This post will explain how to export a range of data from an Excel worksheet to an HTML or web page file using the Save As command and VBA code. This method allows you to create a standalone HTML file that can be opened in any web browser, making it easy to share your data with others.

Export a Range of Data to HTML or Web Page File with Save As Command

If you want to export a range of data from Excel to HTML or web page file, one common method is to use the “Save As” function in Excel.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the range of data you want to export to HTML. You can select the cells by clicking and dragging the cursor over the cells.

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Step2: Click on the “File” tab in the Excel ribbon. Click on “Save As“.

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Step3: In the “Save As” dialog box, choose “Web Page” from the file type dropdown menu. Choose the location where you want to save the file and give it a name. Click on “Publish” button.

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Step4: In the “Publish Options” section, select the “Selection” option to export only the selected range of cells. click Save button.

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Step5: the Publish as Web Page dialog box will open, Click on the “Publish” button to export the range of data to an HTML file.

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Step6: After completing these steps, the selected range of data will be exported to an HTML file that can be opened in a web browser.

Export a Range of Data to HTML or Web Page File with VBA Code

You can also export a range of data to an HTML file with VBA Code in Excel, and you can use the Application.InputBox function to select the range of data to export and prompt the user to select the destination directory and filename. Just do the following steps:

Step1: Press ALT + F11 on your keyboard to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

Step2: In the VBE, click on the Insert menu and select Module. This will create a new module in your VBA project.

Step3: Copy the below VBA code and paste it into the module. Save your VBA project and close the VBE.

Sub ExportRangeToHTML_Excelgeek()

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim htmlFile As String
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
     ' Prompt the user to select the range of data to export
    Set rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select the range of data to export as HTML", Type:=8)
    ' Prompt the user to select the destination directory and filename
    htmlFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileFilter:="HTML Files (*.html), *.html")
    'Create a new workbook with the selected range of data and save it as an HTML file
    Dim newWb As Workbook
    Set newWb = Workbooks.Add
    newWb.Sheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
    newWb.SaveAs htmlFile, xlHtml
    MsgBox "Selected range has been exported to " & htmlFile

End Sub

Step4: Press ALT + F8 on your keyboard to open the Macro dialog box. Select the ExportRangeToHTML_Excelgeek macro from the list and click the Run button.

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Step5: select the range of data to export in your current worksheet.

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Step6: choose a location to save the HTML file.

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Step7: Once the macro has completed, a message box will appear indicating that the selected range has been exported to the chosen location.

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You should now have an HTML file containing the data from the selected range.


Now you can quickly and easily export a range of data to an HTML file without having to manually copy and paste the data into a web page editor.

How to Copy Non-Adjacent Cells or Columns or Rows in Excel

When you are working with a large dataset in a Excel spreadsheet, you may need to copy non-adjacent cells or columns or rows to perform various analyses, such as comparing data from different columns or rows. In this article, we will describe the method of copying non-adjacent cells or columns or rows in a worksheet.

Read More: Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

Copy Non-Adjacent Cells in Excel Worksheet

Excel does not support copying multiple non-adjacent cells from different rows or columns, a warning message pops up when copying the non-adjacent cells. So in this example, we only copy non-adjacent cells in the same row or column to explain the method.

To copy non-adjacent cells in Excel, you can follow these steps:

Step1: Select the first cell you want to copy, for example, click on cell A2. Hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.

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Step2: While still holding down the “Ctrl” key, select the other cells that you want to copy.

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Step3: Once you have selected all the cells  that you want to copy, release the “Ctrl” key.

Step4: Right-click on any of the selected cells and click on “Copy” or press “Ctrl + C” on your keyboard.

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Step5: Select the cell where you want to paste the copied cells.

Step6: Right-click on the cell and click on “Paste” or press “Ctrl + V” on your keyboard. After this step, the selected non-adjacent cells are copied and pasted to another location properly.

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Copy Non-Adjacent Rows or Columns in Excel Worksheet

You can also follow the steps below to copy non-adjacent rows or columns to another location in worksheet.

Step1: Select the first row or column that you want to copy by clicking on its header (the letter or number at the top or left of the row or column). In this example, click on the first column header “A” to select the entire column.

Step2: Hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and select the other rows or columns that you want to copy. You can select as many non-adjacent rows or columns as you want.

In this example, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select both column C and column D by dragging the mouse.

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Step3: Once you have selected all the rows or columns that you want to copy, right-click on any of the selected rows or columns and choose “Copy” from the context menu.

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Step4: Navigate to the location in the worksheet where you want to paste the copied rows or columns.

Step5: Right-click on the cell where you want to start the paste and choose “Paste” from the context menu.

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The copied non-adjacent columns will be pasted into the new location.

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Overall, you can use the normal copy and paste features to copy non-adjacent rows or columns. Just make sure to hold down the “Ctrl” key while selecting the rows or columns you want to copy, and while clicking on the cell where you want to start the paste.

How to Reference Formatting and Value from Another Cell with Same Size, Font and Style in Excel

Except Copy & Paste method to copy a value from another cell, we can also copy the value we want to copy by using its cell reference, for example, if the value is saved in cell A1, we can build a formula “=A1” to copy the value. However, this method only supports copying values from another cell, while ignoring the formatting, size and font.

Read More: Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

If we want to duplicate cells with exactly the same size, font, formatting and values, we must consider other methods to achieve it. This post provides the way to make the copied cells with the same reference format.

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Reference Formatting and Value from Another Cell by Excel Paste Special Feature

To reference formatting and value from another cell by Excel Paste Special, you can follow these steps:

Step1: Select the cell you want to copy the formatting and value from. In this example, the cell is A1.

Step2: Press Ctrl+C to copy the cell.

Step3: Select the cell you want to apply the formatting and value to. In this example, we select C1 to create a copy.

Step4: Right-click on the selected cell and choose “Paste Special” -> “Paste Picture Link” from the menu.

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Step5: After all the formatting and value are applied to the selected cell(s).

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The “Paste Special” function can be used for a variety of purposes, including copying formulas, comments, validation, and more. Make sure you select the appropriate method in the “Paste Special” menu for the desired effect.

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You can see that we can get a duplicate cell by “Paste Picture” method as well. Actually, in Excel, “Paste Picture” and “Paste Picture Link” are two different options for pasting a picture into a worksheet.

Paste Picture” will insert a copy of the picture into the worksheet, and the picture will be embedded in the worksheet. The picture will be visible even if the original source file is deleted or moved.

Paste Picture Link” will insert a link to the picture into the worksheet, rather than embedding the picture itself. If the original picture file is moved or deleted, the picture in the worksheet will not be visible and will display a broken link icon.

How to Copy Only Formatting from a Range to Another Range in Excel

When you want to ensure consistency in the formatting of a range of cells, copying only the formatting can be helpful. For instance, if you have a large spreadsheet with several rows and columns, you may want to ensure that all the cells have the same font, size, and color, which can be achieved by copying the formatting from one range to another. And copying formatting is a great time saver, it avoids errors when manually adjusting fonts and styles.

See the example below. We want the two “SALES” columns have the same range formatting. This post shares three methods including VBA code to copy only formatting from one range to another in Excel worksheet.

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Copy Only Formatting from a Range to Another by Format Painter Tool

Format Painter is useful in Excel and it can copy the style and formatting from a cell or a range and apply it on your destination cell or range in a quick way.

You can copy only the formatting from one range to another range by Format Painter tool in Excel by the following steps:

Step1: Select the cell that has the formatting you want to copy. In this example, the source range is B4:B8 which contains one number format and two background colors in cells.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Home” tab of the Excel ribbon. The cursor will change to a paintbrush.

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Step3: Select the range of cells that you want to apply the formatting to. The copied range’s formatting will be applied to the entire destination range.

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Copy Only Formatting from a Range to Another by Paste Special -> Formatting Feature

You can also copy only formatting from a range to another by Excel “Paste Special” feature, this feature contains several “Paste” methods, and “Formatting” which copies only formatting and ignores the contents.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell or range that contains the formatting you want to copy.

Step2: Press “Ctrl + C” or right-click the selection and choose “Copy” from the context menu.

Step3: Select the cell or range where you want to apply the formatting.

Step4: Right-click the selection and choose “Paste Special” -> “Formatting” from the context menu.

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This will copy only the formatting from the original range to the destination range.

Copy Only Formatting from a Range to Another by Excel VBA Module

If you are familiar with Excel VBA, you can also copy only formatting from a range to another range in Excel using VBA code. Here are the steps:

Step1: Press Alt+F11 or click Visual Basic in Develop tab to open the Visual Basic Editor.

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Step2: In the VBE, select the opened sheet you want to run the VBA code, select “Insert” from the menu bar, then choose “Module“.

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Step3: Create VBA code.

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a. Define the source range and destination range by declaring two range variables using the “Range” object in VBA.

b. Use the “Copy” method of the source range object to copy the formatting only. This can be done by setting the “Paste Special” method to paste only the formatting.

c. Clear the clipboard to remove any copied data by using the “Application.CutCopyMode” method.

The complete VBA code should look like this:

Sub CopyFormattingOnly()
    Dim rngSource As Range
    Dim rngDestination As Range
    Set rngSource = Range("A1:D10") 'Change to your desired source range
    Set rngDestination = Range("F1:I10") 'Change to your desired destination range
    rngDestination.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Step4: Save the VBA code, close the editor and go back to the worksheet.

Step5: To run the macro, press Alt+F8 to open the Macro dialog box or click Macros in Developer tab.

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Step6: Select the macro you just created and click the Run button.

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Step7: After running the macro, the destination range is applied with the formatting properly.

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How to Format Ranges with the Same Formatting from Another Cell in Excel

Copying cell formatting from another cell and apply on another range or some ranges can be useful in several scenarios. It can save time, ensure consistency, and reduce the chance of errors when working with large sets of data in Excel. This post shares two tips to format ranges as same as the format from another cell in the Excel worksheet.

Read More: Copy the Specified Cell Formatting to Another Cell or Cells


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Format Ranges from Another Cell’s Formatting by Format Painter Tool

You can use the “Format Painter” tool in Excel to apply the same formatting from one cell to a range of cells.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell that has the formatting you want to copy. In this example, you can select cell “B2” or any cell in the range “B5:B9” that has the same cell format.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Home” tab of the Excel ribbon. The cursor will change to a paintbrush.

Step3: Select the range of cells that you want to apply the formatting to. The copied cell’s formatting will be applied to the entire range.

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Format Ranges from Another Cell’s Formatting by “Paste Special” Feature

Alternatively, you can also use the “Paste Special” feature to apply formatting from one cell to a range of cells. “Special Paste” -> “Format” enables you to copy the cell style and formatting from another cell and paste it into the target cell or cell area without copying the values and formulas.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell that has the formatting you want to copy. You can select cell B2 in this example because it contains the style and format for a price.

Step2: Press “Ctrl+C” to copy the cell.

Step3: Select the range of cells that you want to apply the formatting to. In this example, select the range E5:E9 where you want to keep consistency with the price’s format.

Step4: Right-click on the selection and choose “Paste Special“-> “Formatting” from the context menu. The formatting from the original cell will be applied to the entire range.

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Formatting a range as same as a given cell’s formatting is easily achieved by above two ways. After running the above steps, the values in the SALES column match the style and formatting of cell B2. You can choose either one you like to format your ranges in work.

How to Copy the Specified Cell Formatting to Another Cell or Cells in Excel

Copying cell formatting is one of the most common operations in Excel worksheets. This post describes two ways to copy the specified cell formatting to another cell or a range of cells.

Read More: Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

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Copy Specified Cell Formatting by Format Painter

To copy the formatting of a specified cell to other cells in Excel by Format Painter, here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell whose formatting you want to copy. In this example, the cell is B3.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Clipboard” section of the “Home” tab. The cursor will change to a paintbrush.

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Step3: Select the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the formatting. In this example, the cells are E3 and E6, and you can hold down the Control key so that both cells are selected.

Step4: Release the mouse button. The formatting will be applied to the selected cells.

Copy Specified Cell Formatting by Paste Special

Alternatively, you can use the “Paste Special” feature to copy and apply only specific formatting attributes. Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell whose formatting you want to copy. In this example, the cell is B3.

Step2: Press the “Ctrl+C” keys on your keyboard or right-click and select “Copy“.

Step3: Select the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the formatting. In this example, the cells are E3 and E6.

Step4: Right-click on the selected cell(s) and select “Paste Special” from the context menu.

Step5: In the “Paste Special” dialog box, select “Formatting“. The formatting will be applied to the selected cells.

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You can easily copy the formatting of one cell onto multiple cells without having to manually adjust each one. This can be especially useful when working on complex data sets that require consistent formatting throughout.

How to Copy Fill Color from One Cell to Another Cell or Range in Excel

Sometimes, you may fill some colors for cells based on certain conditions. You need to copy the filled color from one cell or range to another cell or range in the Excel worksheet. In this post, we introduce two ways to copy the fill color from a cell to other cells: Paste Special and VBA Code. You can choose a way you like to apply it in your Excel worksheet.


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Copy Fill Color by “Paste Special” Function

The Paste Special function provides the ability to paste only values, formatting, formulas, etc. In this example, we can apply the Paste Special -> Formatting function to paste the copied color.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell you want copy the fill color. For example, select cell B3.

Step2: Right click and select “Copy” in the menu.

Step3: Select range F4:F5 you want to fill the color.

Step4: Right click and select “Paste Special” -> “Formatting” in the menu.

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Step5: Then cells in the range F4:F5 are filled with the copied color.  

Copy Fill Color by VBA Code

If you are skilled and familiar code editing in Excel VBA, you can copy a filled color from one cell and apply it to a range of cells using VBA in Excel. Here’s an example code that copies the color from cell B3 and pastes it to a range of cells from F4 to F5:

Step1: Press Alt+F11 or click Visual Basic in Develop tab to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

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Step2:. In the VBE, select the opened sheet you want to run the VBA code, right click and select Insert -> Module in the menu to create a new module.

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Step3: In the module, type your VBA code.

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Sub CopyColor()
    ' Copy the fill color from cell B3
    Dim myColor As Long
    myColor = Range("B3").Interior.Color

    ' Paste the color to the range from F4 to F5
    Range("F4:F5").Interior.Color = myColor
End Sub

The Interior.Color property is used to get and set the fill color of a cell. In the code above, the color from cell B3 is stored in the myColor variable using the Interior.Color property. Then, the color is pasted to the range F4:F5 using the same property. You can modify the range in the code above to match your specific needs.

Step4: Save the VBA code, close the VBE and go back to the worksheet.

Step5: To run the macro, press Alt+F8 to open the Macro dialog box or click Macros in Developer tab.

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Step6: Select the macro you just created and click the Run button.

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Step7: Color is copied from B3 and filled to F4:F5 properly.

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These two methods are easy to understand and can help us copy colors easily without knowing the RGB of the cell fill color. You can apply either of the methods in this post according to your actual situation.

How to Copy the Conditional Formatting Rules from One Cell or Range to Another in Excel

Copying the conditional formatting rules in Excel can save time and ensure consistency throughout your spreadsheet. By copying the conditional formatting rules from one cell to another or from one range to another, you can quickly apply the formatting style to multiple areas of your worksheet based on the same conditions. This post introduces three ways to copy conditional formatting rules through different functions or tools in Excel.

There are three ways to copy or apply the conditional formatting rules from a cell or a range to another cell or range.

Read More: Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

Example: Copy the rule from left side to the right side. The rule is formatting the top 3 values.

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Copy the Conditional Formatting Rules by Excel Format Painter Tool

Excel Format Painter allows you to quickly copy the formatting of a cell, range of cells, and apply it to another cell or range. It’s a time-saving feature that helps you maintain consistency in your worksheets.

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Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell or range that contains the conditional formatting you want to copy.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Home” tab of the ribbon.

Step3: Click on the cell or range where you want to apply the same conditional formatting rules.

Step4: The conditional formatting should now be applied to the new cell or range.

Copy the Conditional Formatting Rules by Excel “Paste Special” Function

Excel’s “Paste Special” feature allows you to copy and paste data in a variety of ways. The “Formatting” option in Paste Special allows you to copy the formatting of a cell (such as font, color, border styles) without copying the data itself. This is useful when you want to quickly apply a particular formatting style to multiple cells.

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Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell or range that contains the conditional formatting rules you want to copy.

Step2: Right-click on the selection and choose “Copy” or press “Ctrl + C” on your keyboard.

Step3: Select the cell or range where you want to apply the same conditional formatting rules.

Step4: Right-click on the selection and choose “Paste Special” or press “Ctrl + Alt + V” on your keyboard.

Step5: In the “Paste Special” menu, select “Formatting“.

Step6: The conditional formatting rules will be copied to the new location, and any cell values that meet the same conditions will be formatted accordingly.

Copy the Conditional Formatting Rules by “Conditional Formatting” Function – Duplicate Rules

You can copy conditional formatting rules using the “Duplicate Rules” function in Excel Conditional Formatting. “Duplicate Rules” allow you to easily identify and highlight cells by an existing rule in current worksheet or entire workbook. The only thing you need to do is changing the application destination.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell or range of cells that has the conditional formatting rule that you want to copy.

Step2: Click on the “Conditional Formatting” button in the Home tab.

Step3: Select “Manage Rules” from the dropdown menu.

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Step4: In the “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog box, select “This Worksheet” in “Show formatting rules for” dropdown list, select the rule that you want to duplicate, in this example there is only one rule “Top 3”, click on the “Duplicate Rule” button.

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Step5: Two “Top 3” rules are listed in Rule. Select one rule of “Top 3”, click the arrow to modify the “Applies to” to the destination where want to apply the rule.

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In this example, the destination is G5:G14.

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Step6: Click “OK” to apply the rule to the selected range of cells.

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Step7: Destination range applied the conditional formatting rule.

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The three ways mentioned above are useful when you want to quickly apply a particular formatting style from one range to multiple ranges, without having to manually apply the rule one by one. All three methods can save time and help you become more efficient in your spreadsheet work.

How to Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

How to copy cell formatting from a given cell to another cell or a range? You can select all cells and choose the format, but you can also use the Excel Format Painter to make it easier, especially if you don’t know the formatting settings for a given cell.

What is Format Painter in Excel

The Excel Format Painter is a tool in Microsoft Excel that allows you to copy the formatting of one cell, range of cells and apply it to another cell, range of cells, or object in your worksheet.

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Copy Formatting from a Cell to Another Cell or Range by Format Painter

To copy the format from a cell to another cell or range, you can follow the steps below:

Step1: Select the cell or range of cells that you want to copy the formatting from. In this example, select the cell B1.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Clipboard” group on the “Home” tab of the ribbon.

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Step3: The cursor will change to a paintbrush icon.

Step4: Click and drag the paintbrush cursor over the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the formatting. In this example, the cells are B3:B7.

Step5: Release the mouse button and the formatting will be applied to the selected cell.

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Cells Have Different Formatting

If the given cells have different formatting, the formatting will be inherited by corresponding cells.

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Clear the Formatting Copied From a Given Cell

You can also double-click on the Format Painter button to apply the formatting to multiple areas without having to click the button again each time. And if you want to clear the formatting from a cell, you can use the “Clear Formats” option in the “Clear” dropdown on the “Home” tab.

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This article is easy to understand and it is typical example about Format Painter. Applying Format Painter to copy formatting from a given cell or range to other cells or ranges is time-saving, and you don’t need to manually adjust the formatting or the given formatting is unclear.