How to Always Return the Value from the Cell above in Excel

Suppose you have a simple formula “=A1+1000” in cell A2 that references the cell above it, A1. If you insert a new row above row 2, the formula in A2 will not automatically update to reference the new cell A2, which still references to A1.

Before inserting a new row:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

After inserting a new row:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Similarly, if you delete row 2, the formula in A3 will not automatically update to reference the cell above it, which is now A1. And #REF displays because B2=B2+1000 is impossible.

Before deleting Row 2:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

After deleting Row2:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

One way to avoid the above two problems and always get the value from above cell when inserting or deleting rows in Excel is to use a simple formula with Excel INDIRECT function and Excel ADDRESS function. This post introduces these two Excel functions and provides a formula to get the cell value above the selected cell when inserting or deleting rows.

EXCEL INDIRECT Function and ADDRESS Function

The Excel INDIRECT function is used to return a reference to a cell or range of cells based on a text string that represents the cell reference. This allows you to create dynamic formulas and references that change based on the contents of other cells or the result of other calculations.

The Excel ADDRESS function is used to return the cell reference as a text string based on a specified row and column number.

To combine the bove two Excel functions, we can get a dynamic cell reference in the formula which can help us always get the cell above the selected cell. In order to achieve it in this worksheet, we can use the formula “=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN())“, instead of using the reference address of the cell, such as “B1” to refer to.

Steps of Creating the Formula with INDIRECT Function and ADDRESS Function

Step1: Enter the following formula into Cell B2:


=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()))” replaces the original data that is the cell reference.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Step2: Drag down the formula to copy it to B3. The formula “=B2+1” is replaced by the new formula “=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()))+1000” in B3, the result is the same.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Step3: When inserting a new row above the selected cell, the formula will be recalculated and the nested function ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()) always indicates to the cell above the selected cell.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Note that if you have new data in new row above the cell when inserting a row, the formula will always points to the new position just above the current cell.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

How To Use Excel DAVERAGE Function

This post will introduce the DAVERAGE function in Excel and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it. The DAVERAGE function can be used to calculate an average value based on criteria in a database or table.

This function can be particularly useful when dealing with large amounts of data, as it allows you to calculate the average for specific subsets of the data.

In this post, we will cover the basics of the DAVERAGE function and provide examples of how you can use it in your own analysis.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 1.png

How To Use DAVERAGE Function

The DAVERAGE function in Excel is a powerful tool for calculating the average of a set of values in a database or table based on specific criteria.

The Syntax of the DAVERAGE function is as below:

=DAVERAGE(database, field, criteria)

The CUBEVALUE function takes the following arguments:

  • connection: A string that specifies the OLAP database connection.
  • expression: A string that specifies the measure or calculated member to retrieve.
  • member1, member2, …: Optional strings that specify the members to filter the data.

The DAVERAGE Function Example

Assuming that you have a large dataset or data table for a company, and you want to calculate the average sale amount for a specific product (Orange) in a specific region (North). You can use the below DAVERAGE function to achieve it.

Just do the following steps:

Step1: Modify your data range(A1:C10) is in a tabular format with headers.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png

Step2: You need to setup a criteria range in Cells F1:G2, with “Product” in Cell F1 and “Region” in Cell G1, and “Orange” and “North” in Cells F2 and G2.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png

Step3: select a cell where you want to display the result of the DAVERAGE function. For example, select Cell H2 and type the below DAVERAGE formula, then press Enter key to calculate the final result.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png


You can use the DAVERAGE function to easily perform complex calculations on large datasets in Excel, and obtain specific results based on the criteria you set.

How To Use Excel CUBEVALUE Function

This post will introduce the CUBEVALUE function in Excel and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it. The CUBEVALUE function is a powerful tool that allows users to retrieve data from a cube in an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) database.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of the CUBEVALUE function and provide examples of how you can use it in your own analysis.

How To Use CUBEVALUE Function

The CUBEVALUE function in Excel is a powerful tool for retrieving data from a cube in an OLAP database.

The Syntax of the CUBEVALUE function is as below:

=CUBEVALUE(connection, expression, [member1], [member2], ...)

The CUBEVALUE function takes the following arguments:

  • connection: A string that specifies the OLAP database connection.
  • expression: A string that specifies the measure or calculated member to retrieve.
  • member1, member2, …: Optional strings that specify the members to filter the data.

If you want to use the CUBEVALUE function with a data model, you must first create a connection to the OLAP database that contains the data model. Once you have created the connection, you can use the CUBEVALUE function to retrieve data from the data model.

The CUBEVALUE function Example

Here are some examples of how to use the CUBESET function in Excel:


Suppose you have a cube data source named “ThisWorkbookDataModel” and you want to retrieve the total sales for all products in the data set, and you can use the following formula:

=CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Sales]")
Excel CUBEVALUE Function1.png


If you want to retrieve the total sales for all products in the Jan, you can use the following CUBEVALUE function:



  • F1 =CUBEMEMBER(“ThisWorkbookDataModel”,”[Measures].[Sum of Sales 3]”)
  • F4 =CUBEMEMBER(“ThisWorkbookDataModel”,”[Table5].[Month].&[Jan]”)
  • K2 =CUBEMEMBER(“ThisWorkbookDataModel”,”[Table5].[Product].[All]”,”Grand Total”)
Excel CUBEVALUE Function2.png


You can use Excel CUBEVALUE function to create dynamic reports and analysis that can help you gain insights into your data. Whether you’re working with financial data, sales data, or any other type of data, the CUBEVALUE function can be a valuable tool in your analysis toolkit.

How To Use CUBESETCOUNT Function in Excel

This post will introduce the Excel CUBESETCOUNT function. The CUBESETCOUNT function is used to count the number of items in a set retrieved from a cube data source in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. It is an important tool for data analysis and helps you to understand the size of your data sets and the relationships between them.

Whether you are working with a large data set or a small one, the CUBESETCOUNT function will allow you to efficiently count the items in your sets and make informed decisions based on your data.

The Excel CUBESETCOUNT function is only available in Microsoft Excel 2010 and later versions that support PivotTable reports and cube data source connections. It is not available in earlier versions of Excel or in other spreadsheet applications.

If you are using an earlier version of Excel or a different spreadsheet application, you will not be able to use the CUBESETCOUNT function and will need to use alternative methods for counting the items in your sets.

How To Use CUBESETCOUNT Function

The CUBESETCOUNT function in Excel is used to count the number of items in a set that is retrieved from a cube data source.

The syntax for the CUBESETCOUNT function is as follows:

=CUBESETCOUNT(cube_name, set_expression)


  • cube_name” is the name of the cube data source that you want to retrieve data from.
  • set_expression” is the expression that defines the set of items that you want to count.

The CUBESETCOUNT function Example

Here is an example of how to use the CUBESET function in Excel:

Suppose you have a cube data source named “ThisWorkbookDataModel” and you want to count the number of items in a set . To do this, you would use the following formula:

=CUBESETCOUNT(CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel",(F10,F11,F12),"Grand Total"))
The CUBESETCOUNT function Example

This formula would return the number of items in the set that represents the product.

When should you not use CUBESETCOUNT in Excel?

The CUBESETCOUNT function is used to count the number of items in a set created from a multi-dimensional data source, such as an OLAP cube. It is important to note that the CUBESETCOUNT function only works with data that is organized in an OLAP cube.

Therefore, if you are not working with data that is organized in an OLAP cube, you should not use the CUBESETCOUNT function as it will not produce meaningful results. Instead, you should use a different function that is more appropriate for your data, such as COUNT, COUNTIF, or SUMIF, depending on your needs.

What are the formulas similar to CUBESETCOUNT in Excel?

Here are some similar formula to CUBESETCOUNT in Excel:

  • CUBEKPIMEMBER: Returns the unique name of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY: Returns the value of a property for a specified member in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBERANKEDMEMBER: Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set, based on a specified measure.
  • CUBEVALUE: Returns a value from a cube, based on a specified set of members.


CUBESETCOUNT function in Excel is a powerful tool for aggregating data from a cube or data model. It allows users to count the number of items in a set, which can be useful in a variety of applications, from financial modeling to data analysis.

How To Use CUBESET Function in Excel

This post will introduce the Excel CUBESET function, a powerful tool for working with multi-dimensional data stored in a cube. The CUBESET function allows you to define a set of members or tuples in a cube hierarchy, based on one or more sets of members.

This set can then be used in other cube functions, such as CUBEMEMBER and CUBEVALUE, to retrieve data associated with the members in the set.

The function is an essential component of the data analysis capabilities in Excel and is an important tool for performing complex data analysis tasks and retrieving valuable insights from your data.

The Excel CUBESET function is only available in Microsoft Excel versions that support PowerPivot and the OLAP data model. This includes Excel 2013 and later versions for Windows, and Excel 2016 and later versions for Mac. If you are using an earlier version of Excel, you will not be able to use the CUBESET function.

Additionally, the CUBESET function requires a connection to a cube data source, so if your data source is not connected or if you don’t have access to a cube data source, you won’t be able to use the function.

Excel CUBESET Function1

How To Use CUBESET Function

The syntax for the Excel CUBESET function is:

=CUBESET(connection, set_expression)


  • connection” is the name of the connection to the cube data source.
  • set_expression” is a string that defines the set of members or tuples in the cube hierarchy.

The CUBESET function uses a set expression to define a set of members or tuples in the cube hierarchy. The set expression is a string that specifies the members you want to include in the set, based on one or more sets of members. The set expression can include multiple sets of members, each separated by a comma.

The CUBESET function Example

Here is an example of how to use the CUBESET function in Excel:

Step 1: To use the CUBESET function, you must first connect to a cube data source. Let’s assume you have a cube data source named “ThisWorkbookDataModel” that contains sales data for different Month, products.

Step 2: Define the set expression: To create a set of all members in the “product” dimension, you can use the following set expression: “[Table1 2].[Product].[All]“.

Step 3: To use the CUBESET function, enter the following formula in a cell:

=CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table1 2].[Product].[All]","all product")
Excel CUBESET Function

This formula creates a set of all members in the “Product” dimension from the “ThisWorkbookDataModel” data source.

Step 4: To retrieve the total sales for the members in the set, you can use the following formula:

=CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Sales]",CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table1 2].[Product].[All]"))
Excel CUBESET Function

This formula retrieves the total sales for all members in the set, which are all members in the “product” dimension.

When should you not use CUBESET in Excel?

There are several situations when you should not use the CUBESET function in Excel:

  • No cube data source connection: If you do not have a connection to a cube data source, the CUBESET function will not work. The CUBESET function requires a connection to a cube data source in order to retrieve data.
  • Non-MDX set expressions: The set expression used in the CUBESET function must be a valid MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) expression. If you use an invalid set expression, the CUBESET function will return an error.
  • Inefficient set expressions: If you use an inefficient set expression in the CUBESET function, it can cause performance issues and slow down your workbook. It’s important to understand the structure of your cube data source and use an appropriate set expression to minimize performance issues.

What are the formulas similar to CUBESET in Excel?

Here are some similar formula to CUBESET in Excel:

  • CUBEKPIMEMBER: Returns the unique name of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY: Returns the value of a property for a specified member in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBERANKEDMEMBER: Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set, based on a specified measure.
  • CUBESETCOUNT: Returns the number of items in a set.
  • CUBEVALUE: Returns a value from a cube, based on a specified set of members.


The CUBESET function is a powerful tool for retrieving sets of data from a cube data source in Excel. The function allows you to retrieve data using a set expression, which provides a flexible and efficient way to retrieve data from a cube data source. However, the CUBESET function is not suitable for all situations and it is important to understand when to use and when not to use the function.

How To Use CUBMEMBER Function in Excel

This post will introduce the Excel CUBEMEMBER function, which is used to return a member’s unique name in a cube hierarchy based on a specified set of member or tuple values.

 The CUBEMEMBER function is an essential tool for retrieving data from multi-dimensional data sources, and it is widely used by data analysts, financial analysts, and business intelligence professionals.

In the following sections, we will delve into the syntax, usage, and examples of the CUBEMEMBER function to help you understand how it can be utilized to extract valuable insights from your data.

Excel CUBEMEMBER Function

How To Use CUBMEMBER Function

The syntax for the CUBEMEMBER function in Excel is as follows:

=CUBEMEMBER(connection, member_name)


  • connection” is a string that specifies the connection to the cube.
  • member_name” is the string expression that represents the unique name of the member or tuple in the cube hierarchy.

The CUBMEMBER Function Example

Here is an example of using the CUBEMEMBER function in Excel:

Suppose you have a cube data source that contains sales data for a company. The cube has the following dimensions: “Month“, “Product“, “Category” and “Date“. You want to retrieve the sales data for the “Apple” product for the month of January.

Step 1: Connect to the cube data source as described in the previous answers.

Step 2: In a cell, enter the following formula to retrieve the unique name of the member in the “Product” dimension that represents the Apple product:

=CUBEMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table1 2].[Product].[Apple]")
Excel CUBEMEMBER Function

Step 3: In another cell, enter the following formula to retrieve the unique name of the member in the “Month” dimension that represents the month of January:

=CUBEMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table1 2].[Month].[Jan]")
Excel CUBEMEMBER Function3

Step 4: In a third cell, enter the following formula to retrieve the sales data for the Apple Product in the month of January:

Excel CUBEMEMBER Function

In this example, the CUBEMEMBER function is used twice to retrieve the unique names of the members in the “Product” and “Month” dimensions that represent the Apple product and the month of January, respectively. The unique names are then combined to form a tuple, which is passed as the arguments to the CUBEVALUE function to retrieve the sales data for the Apple product in the month of January.

When should you not use CUBEMEMBER in Excel?

You should not use the CUBEMEMBER function in Excel under the following circumstances:

  • Non-cube data: The CUBEMEMBER function is designed to work specifically with cube data and is not applicable to other types of data sources. If your data is stored in a traditional spreadsheet or database, you should use other Excel functions or techniques to analyze your data.
  • Non-connected data sources: The CUBEMEMBER function requires a connection to a cube data source, so if your data source is not connected or if you don’t have access to a cube data source, you won’t be able to use the function.
  • Flat data structures: The CUBEMEMBER function is designed to work with multi-dimensional data stored in a cube, so if your data is stored in a flat data structure, such as a single spreadsheet or table, you won’t be able to use the function effectively.
  • Performance considerations: The CUBEMEMBER function can be resource-intensive and can slow down your spreadsheet if you are working with large data sets. In some cases, it may be more efficient to use other Excel functions, such as SUMIFS or PivotTables, to analyze your data.

What are the Formulas Similar to CUBEMEMBER in Excel?

Here are some similar formulas to CUBEMEMBER in Excel:

  • CUBEKPIMEMBER: Returns the unique name of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY: Returns the value of a property for a specified member in the cube hierarchy.
  • CUBERANKEDMEMBER: Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set, based on a specified measure.
  • CUBESET: Defines a set of members or tuples in a cube hierarchy, based on one or more sets of members.
  • CUBESETCOUNT: Returns the number of items in a set.
  • CUBEVALUE: Returns a value from a cube, based on a specified set of members.


The CUBEMEMBER function in Excel is a valuable tool for working with multi-dimensional data stored in a cube. Whether you are working with sales data, financial data, or any other type of multi-dimensional data, the CUBEMEMBER function is an indispensable tool for analyzing and manipulating your data to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

How To Use CUBEKPIMEMBER Function in Excel

This post will introduce the Excel CUBEKPIMEMBER function. The CUBEKPIMEMBER function in Excel is a powerful tool for working with Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data in OLAP cubes. This function allows you to retrieve information about a KPI in a cube, such as its status, value, and goal. Whether you are creating reports or performing data analysis, the CUBEKPIMEMBER function is an essential tool for working with KPI data in Excel.

Excel CUBEKPIMEMBER Function 1


The CUBEKPIMEMBER function in Excel is used to return a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) member in a cube based on its name. A KPI is a metric used to evaluate an organization’s success in achieving its goals.

The syntax for the CUBEKPIMEMBER function is as follows:

=CUBEKPIMEMBER(connection, kpi_member_name)


  • connection is a required argument that specifies the connection to the cube data. The connection string should be entered as a text string in double quotes.
  • kpi_member_name is a required argument that specifies the name of the KPI member to be returned. This argument should also be entered as a text string in double quotes.

The CUBEKPIMEMBER Function Example

Let’s take a look at some examples to help illustrate how to use the CUBEKPIMEMBER function:

Suppose you have an OLAP cube named ” ThisWorkbookDataModel” that contains a KPI named ” Sum of Sales 2“.


To retrieve the KPI member for this KPI, you can use the following formula:

=CUBEKPIMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","Sum of Sales 2",1,"TotalSalesValue")

Before executing the above formula, you need to add the data from this table to the data source as the workbook data model and create a new KPI to add your data model.

This formula will return the KPI member for the ” Sum of Sales 2” KPI in the ” ThisWorkbookDataModel ” data source.

You can use the CUBEVALUE function in Excel to get the corresponding KPI value, the formula is as below:

=CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Sales 2]")


  • The CUBEKPIMEMBER function only works with OLAP cube data sources, so make sure that the data source you are using is indeed an OLAP cube and that the KPI you want to retrieve is defined in the cube.
  • If the connection argument or the kpi_member_name argument is incorrect, or if the KPI member you want to retrieve is not defined in the cube, the CUBEKPIMEMBER function will return an error.
  • The returned KPI member text string can be used in further calculations or displayed in a cell.
  • The CUBEKPIMEMBER function is available in Excel 2013 and later versions.


The CUBEKPIMEMBER function in Excel is a valuable tool for working with Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data in OLAP cubes. With its flexibility and functionality, the CUBEKPIMEMBER function can greatly simplify the process of working with KPI data in Excel. Whether you are a business analyst or a data professional, mastering the use of the CUBEKPIMEMBER function is an essential step in making the most of your OLAP cube data.