How To Use Excel DAVERAGE Function

This post will introduce the DAVERAGE function in Excel and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it. The DAVERAGE function can be used to calculate an average value based on criteria in a database or table.

This function can be particularly useful when dealing with large amounts of data, as it allows you to calculate the average for specific subsets of the data.

In this post, we will cover the basics of the DAVERAGE function and provide examples of how you can use it in your own analysis.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 1.png

How To Use DAVERAGE Function

The DAVERAGE function in Excel is a powerful tool for calculating the average of a set of values in a database or table based on specific criteria.

The Syntax of the DAVERAGE function is as below:

=DAVERAGE(database, field, criteria)

The CUBEVALUE function takes the following arguments:

  • connection: A string that specifies the OLAP database connection.
  • expression: A string that specifies the measure or calculated member to retrieve.
  • member1, member2, …: Optional strings that specify the members to filter the data.

The DAVERAGE Function Example

Assuming that you have a large dataset or data table for a company, and you want to calculate the average sale amount for a specific product (Orange) in a specific region (North). You can use the below DAVERAGE function to achieve it.

Just do the following steps:

Step1: Modify your data range(A1:C10) is in a tabular format with headers.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png

Step2: You need to setup a criteria range in Cells F1:G2, with “Product” in Cell F1 and “Region” in Cell G1, and “Orange” and “North” in Cells F2 and G2.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png

Step3: select a cell where you want to display the result of the DAVERAGE function. For example, select Cell H2 and type the below DAVERAGE formula, then press Enter key to calculate the final result.

Excel DAVERAGE Function 2.png


You can use the DAVERAGE function to easily perform complex calculations on large datasets in Excel, and obtain specific results based on the criteria you set.