How to Copy Cell Formatting from a Given Cell to Another Cell or a Range

How to copy cell formatting from a given cell to another cell or a range? You can select all cells and choose the format, but you can also use the Excel Format Painter to make it easier, especially if you don’t know the formatting settings for a given cell.

What is Format Painter in Excel

The Excel Format Painter is a tool in Microsoft Excel that allows you to copy the formatting of one cell, range of cells and apply it to another cell, range of cells, or object in your worksheet.

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Copy Formatting from a Cell to Another Cell or Range by Format Painter

To copy the format from a cell to another cell or range, you can follow the steps below:

Step1: Select the cell or range of cells that you want to copy the formatting from. In this example, select the cell B1.

Step2: Click on the “Format Painter” button in the “Clipboard” group on the “Home” tab of the ribbon.

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Step3: The cursor will change to a paintbrush icon.

Step4: Click and drag the paintbrush cursor over the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the formatting. In this example, the cells are B3:B7.

Step5: Release the mouse button and the formatting will be applied to the selected cell.

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Cells Have Different Formatting

If the given cells have different formatting, the formatting will be inherited by corresponding cells.

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Clear the Formatting Copied From a Given Cell

You can also double-click on the Format Painter button to apply the formatting to multiple areas without having to click the button again each time. And if you want to clear the formatting from a cell, you can use the “Clear Formats” option in the “Clear” dropdown on the “Home” tab.

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This article is easy to understand and it is typical example about Format Painter. Applying Format Painter to copy formatting from a given cell or range to other cells or ranges is time-saving, and you don’t need to manually adjust the formatting or the given formatting is unclear.

How to Repeat Cell Value X Number of Times in Excel

Sometimes we want to repeat a word or a value X number of times in a column or row in order to create a duplicate in Excel. We can do this with the traditional copy and paste function, but it takes a lot of time and manually copying and pasting can lead to errors, such as pasting more times than we want. This post introduces a trick on duplicating cell values and sorting them easily in a column in Excel.

Repeat Cell Value X Times with Excel Formula

We cannot create a formula to achieve our goal with only current providing values. To repeat cell values X times properly in Excel, we need to create a helper column to perform an intermediate calculation to simplify the main formula. Creating a helper column allows us to break down complex calculations into smaller, more manageable steps.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Create a helper column to perform an intermediate calculation. In this example, create a helper column containing the number “1” in the first cell A2, and for cell A3, use a simple formula A2+C2, and A4=A3+C3, etc.

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Step2: Create another helper column that sorts the numbers 1 through 11. We end the sort with the number “11” because the last SUM value of the first helper column is “11“.

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Step3:. In cell F2, build a formula with the Excel VLOOKUP function to repeat the cell value X times. In F2, enter the formula:

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Step4: Drag the handle down to copy the formula. Cell values are repeated correctly with reference to the number of repetitions. Stop copying when it returns a “0“.

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Excel VLOOKUP Function Explanation

The Excel VLOOKUP Function Syntax:

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, column_index_num, [range_lookup])

The formula we build in this example is:


In the above formula, the lookup value is “D2”, a number in the second helper column; the lookup range is “$A$2:$B$5”, within which the “first helper column” is used to search for the lookup value, and the “cell value column” is used to return the matching value when there is a mapping. The range_lookup value is “TRUE” to perform an approximate match.

Excel VLOOKUP “approximate match” can return an approximate match when the lookup value is not found in the lookup range. It returns the maximum value of all values less than the lookup value.

In this example, the number in the first helper column records the position of each cell value in the new list that lists the repeating values. For example, for the first cell value “AAA”, the starting position is row “1“, then for the second cell value “BBB”, using the starting position “1” plus the number of repetitions “5“, the final result is “6“, which is calculated by the formula “A2 + C2“. For the third cell value “CCC”, the starting position is calculated by the formula “A3+C3“, with a starting row number of 9. We stop the calculation when an empty cell is encountered, and the position number is “11”.

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With the help of the two helper columns, we can use VLOOKUP “approximate match” mode to return the cell value X times through the VLOOKUP.

For example, for the first lookup value “1” (in the second helper column), it can be found in the A2 of the lookup column, so “AAA” in B2 will be correctly returned to cell E2. And for the second lookup value “2”, there is no such number in the lookup range, so the VLOOKUP formula will look for the maximum value less than the number “2“, and the result is “1“, so the value of the mapped cell “AAA” is returned by the VLOOKUP formula.

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For the values “1” to “5”, the value returned is “AAA”, so “AAA” is repeated 5 times in the new column. The VLOOKUP formula correctly returns cell value X times according to the rule. The formula will stop when no cell values are returned.

How to Copy Table from Excel to Word without Table Formatting

When copying a table from Excel to Word, the formatting of the table may not match the formatting of the Word document. This can result in formatting issues, such as mismatched font sizes, colors, and spacing. Copying data without a table can help to avoid these issues. This post introduces a few ways to copy table from Excel data to Word without using a table.

Read More: Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values in Excel

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Copy Table from Excel to Word without Table Formatting by Paste Special Feature

The “Special Paste” feature in Word provides several ways to paste data in different formats. Using the “Unformatted Text” or “Keep Text Only” methods can help us paste table contents without table formatting and structure.

Copy Table without Table Formatting via Paste Special -> Unformatted Text

Here are the steps:

1. Select the table in the opened sheet, press Ctrl+C to copy it. In this example, the copied table is B2:F7.

2. In Word, go to the location where you want to paste the data, right click and select Paste Special in the menu.

3. In Paste Special dialog, check on “Paste” option, and select “Unformatted Text”. This will paste the data as plain text, without any formatting or table structure.

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4. Click OK in Paste Special dialog. Table is copied from Excel to Word as below.


1          AAA     25        123      A1

2          BBB     25        321      A2

3          CCC     26        231      A3

4          DDD     27        213      A4

5          EEE      28        312      A5

Copy Table without Table Formatting via Paste Special -> Keep Text Only

Alternatively, you can also copy table without table formatting via Paste Special feature “Keep Text Only” method.

Here are the steps:

1. Select the table in the opened sheet, press Ctrl+C to copy it. In this example, the copied table is B2:F7.

2. In Word, go to the location where you want to paste the data, click Paste dropdown in the Home tab, choose “Keep Text Only” from the dropdown list.

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Table is copied and pasted as below. The data is pasted into Word as plain text, without any formatting or table structure.


1          AAA     25        123      A1

2          BBB     25        321      A2

3          CCC     26        231      A3

4          DDD     27        213      A4

5          EEE      28        312      A5

How to Copy Filtered Data to Another Location in Excel

You can copy data to another location using the traditional Copy and Paste features in Excel. Alternatively, you can also copy data to a location through Excel Advanced Filter feature. However, if you want to copy filtered data to another location directly by Advanced Filter feature, you need to create a criteria range to filter data before copying and pasting.

Read More: Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values in Excel

Criteria Range in Advanced Filter Feature

The criteria range in Excel is a range of cells that contains the criteria or conditions used to filter data using Advanced Filter. It should be a separate range of cells in the worksheet that contains the column headers and the corresponding values that you want to use for filtering the data.

In this example, you can create a separate criteria range that lists the criteria you want to use for filtering the data, such as “Product = P3” or “Sales > $1000“. The criteria range should include the column headers and the criteria for each column.

The Advanced Filter feature in Excel uses the criteria range to determine which rows of data should be included in the filtered output. Only the rows that meet all of the criteria in the criteria range will be copied to the selected location.

Copy Filtered Data to Another Location by Advanced Filter Feature with Criteria Range

You can use the Advanced Filter feature in Excel to copy filtered data from the source location to another location based on specific criteria.

Here are the steps to do it:

1. Create a range criteria to filter data, for example, cells E2:E3 with criteria header “SALES” in E2 and criteria “> 1000” in E3.

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2. Select the data range that you want to copy. Here is the source range B2:C8.

3. Go to the “Data” tab in the ribbon and click on “Advanced” in the “Sort & Filter” group.

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4. In the “Advanced Filter” dialog box:

a. Check on “Copy to another location” option.

b. In the “List Range” field, enter the entire range before filtering where you want to copy from. You can either type the range manually or select it by clicking on the worksheet. In this example, the list range is B2:C8.

c. In the “Criteria Range” field, enter the range that contains the criteria you want to use for filtering the data. The criteria range should include the column headers. In this example the criteria range is E2:E3.

d. In the “Copy To” field, enter the range where you want to copy the data in the destination location. You can either type the range manually or select it by clicking on the worksheet. In this example, the copy to range is B10:C16.

e. Click on the “OK” button to apply the filter and copy the data to the destination location.

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After clicking OK, the data that meets the criteria you specified will be copied to the destination location properly, while the rest of the data will be filtered out.

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How to Copy and Paste Data into Multiple Worksheets in Excel

When we want to enter the same data or formula in multiple worksheets in a workbook, we can use the Fill Across Worksheets feature in Excel to save time and effort. Rather than manually entering the data or formula in each worksheet, we can use this feature to automatically copy it to all the selected worksheets at once. This post introduces Fill Across Worksheets feature in Excel and how it works when copying data to multiple sheets.

Read More: Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values in Excel

Excel Fill Across Worksheets Feature

Fill Across Worksheets” is a feature in Excel that allows you to fill data or formulas across multiple worksheets simultaneously. It can save you a lot of time when you need to copy the same data or formula to multiple worksheets in your workbook.

To use the Fill Across Worksheets feature, you need to select the range of cells that you want to fill and then hold down the “Ctrl” key while you click on the tabs of the worksheets where you want to apply the fill. Then you can enter the data or formula in the first worksheet, and Excel will automatically copy it to the corresponding cells in the other selected worksheets.

Steps for Copying Data into Multiple Sheets by Fill Across Worksheets Feature

Here are the steps to use the Fill Across Worksheets feature to copy and paste data to multiple sheets in Excel:

1. Select the range of cells that you want to copy data from.

2. Hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click on the worksheet tabs where you want to apply the fill. You can select multiple worksheets by clicking on each tab while holding down the “Ctrl” key. If you want to apply to all sheets in the workbook, hold down “Shift” key and select the first and the last sheets, then all sheets are selected.

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3. In the “Home” tab, click “Fill” icon in “Sort & Filter” group, and select “Across Worksheets” in the dropdown menu.

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4. Check on “All” option in the “Fill Across Sheets” dialog to copy and paste the values, formatting from the source data. Then click “OK”.

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After that data is copied and pasted to the same location in all selected sheets.

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If you need to edit the data or formula later, you can do so in any of the selected worksheets. The changes will be automatically applied to all the other selected worksheets.


Overall, this feature is particularly useful when you have a large number of worksheets in your workbook and you need to enter the same data or formula in all of them. With Fill Across Worksheets, you can save time and reduce the risk of errors by copying the data or formula to all the worksheets at once.

How to use Shortcuts to Copy Cell from Above or Left Cell in Excel

when we want to quickly copy the content of a cell from the cell above or from the cell to the left of the current cell to the current cell, we can use the copy cell above or cell left with shortcut key in Excel. This can save time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets.

To copy a cell above or a cell to the left of the current cell using shortcut keys in Excel, you can follow the steps below to achieve it.

Copy Cell Above by Shortcut Key in Excel

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the cell where you want to paste the copied value.

Step2: Press the “Ctrl + D” keys simultaneously to copy and paste the value from the cell above.

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Copy Cell Left by Shortcut Key in Excel

Here are the steps:

Step1:Select the cell where you want to paste the copied value.

Step2:Press the “Ctrl + R” keys simultaneously to copy the value from the left cell to the current cell.

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By using these shortcuts, users can quickly and easily copy data without having to manually copy and paste cells. This can be particularly useful when working with large data sets or when dealing with time-sensitive tasks. Overall, using shortcuts to copy cells above or left can greatly improve efficiency and productivity when working with spreadsheets.

How to Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values in Excel

Copying and pasting values while skipping duplicates in Excel can be useful in many situations where you want to analyze or manipulate data without duplicates. Duplicates can create inconsistencies and errors in calculations, charts, and other data processing tasks. By copying only the unique values, you can create a clean and consistent data set that is easier to work with and less prone to errors. This post provides two ways to copy and paste to skip duplicates in a column in Excel worksheet.

Read More: Copy a Column and Paste Only the Unique Values in Excel

See the example below. Suppose we enter an extra rate value “1.78” in the list. We want to remove the duplicate when copying and pasting the column to another location.

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Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values by Advanced Filter Feature

You can use Advanced Filter to copy and paste the unique values in a list while skipping duplicates in Excel.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Select the range of cells containing the values you want to copy.

Step2: Go to the “Data” tab and click on “Advanced” in the ribbon.

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Step3: In the “Advanced Filter” dialog box:

a. Select “Copy to another location” and

b. Specify the range where you want to paste the unique values.

c. Check the box next to “Unique records only“.

d. Click OK.

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This list is copied to the location you specified properly with no duplicates.

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This method will copy and paste only the unique values from the selected range to the specified location, skipping any duplicates.

Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values by Excel INDEX & MATCH Formula

You can also use the INDEX function with other functions such as MATCH and COUNTIF to copy and paste unique values while skipping duplicates in Excel. The combination of INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel is a powerful way to look up a value in a table based on specific criteria.

Here’s the generic formula:


Here, “rng” refers to the range of cells containing the values you want to copy, and “$A$1:A1” refers to the cells above the current cell in the column where you want to paste the unique values, you can assume that “$A$1” is used to hold the list header. You can adjust these references as needed for your specific data.

In this example, the formula is:


Here are the steps to build and use this formula:

Step1: Select the cell where you want to start the list of unique values. In this example, select the ell D3.

Step2: Enter the formula in the formula bar or in cell D3.

Step3: Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to create an array formula.

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Step4: Copy the formula down to the cells below as needed. This will create a list of unique values in the specified column, skipping any duplicates. It ends when an empty cell is returned.

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Step5: You can adjust the formatting by copy the format from the source column and paste only the formatting via Paste Special -> Formatting.

Excel IFERROR function is used to handle errors by returning a specified value if a formula evaluates to an error, and the original result if the formula evaluates to a valid value. In this case, if IFERROR function returns an empty cell when formula value is wrong.

If you remove the IFERROR function statement in this formula, the formula created by the Excel INDEX function and MATCH function is still valid, the new formula can create a list of only unique values, but when the end of no value returned, the cell shows an error #N/A, which can stop copying the formula.

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How to Copy a Column and Paste Only the Unique Values in Excel

Copying a column and pasting only the unique records in Excel is useful for data analysis, data validation, data entry, and data cleaning. It allows you to filter out unnecessary data, identify and remove duplicates, ensure the accuracy of the data, and avoid entering duplicate data. This post provides two methods to paste only the unique values from a source column in Excel.

Read More: Copy and Paste to Skip the Duplicate Values in Excel

Copy a Column and Paste Only the Unique Values by Advanced Filter Feature

Advanced filter is a powerful feature in Microsoft Excel that allows you to filter and extract data based on specific criteria. It provides more advanced filtering options than the regular Filter feature. It can extract unique values from a list and paste to another location.

You can follow the steps below to copy a column and paste only the unique records using the Advanced Filter:

Step1: Select the column that you want to copy.

Step2: Click on the Data tab in the top menu.

Step3: Click on the “Advanced” button in the “Sort & Filter” section.

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Step4: In the “Advanced Filter” dialog box:

a. Check on the “Copy to another location” option.

b. In the “Copy to” field, select the cell or range where you want to paste the unique records.

c. Check the “Unique records only” checkbox.

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Step5: Click the “OK” button in the “Advanced Filter” dialog box.

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Excel will then copy the selected column to the specified location, and only the unique records will be pasted. Duplicate values will be excluded. In this example, since the first number “3” is listed in the starting cell of column C, it is considered to be the header of the list.

Copy a Column and Paste Only the Unique Values by Remove Duplicates Feature

Alternatively, you can use the “Remove Duplicates” feature in Excel to remove the duplicate records from a column. Before deleting duplicate records, copy the source column and then delete the duplicate records in the new column, which protects the source column from deleted the duplicate records and also copies only unique values from the new column to other locations.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Make a copy of the column you want to remove the duplicates.

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Step2: Select the copied column that you want to remove duplicates from.

Step3: Go to the “Data” tab in the Excel ribbon.

Step4: Click on “Remove Duplicates“.

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Step5: In the “Remove Duplicates” dialog box, uncheck “My list has headers” option, make sure that the column that you want to remove duplicates from is selected.

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Step6: Click on “OK” to remove the duplicates.

Step7: An alert pops up to indicate you how many duplicate values found and removed, and how many unique values remain in the new column.

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If you only want to copy the unique records elsewhere, you can copy column C to where you want to paste the unique records.

How to Copy a Cell to Clipboard with VBA Code

Copying a cell with a single click can save time and effort compared to using the traditional copy and paste method. This is particularly useful if you frequently need to copy data from a particular cell or range of cells. With the automatic copy feature, you can avoid the risk of accidentally copying the wrong data or overwriting existing data in your worksheet. This post provides a tip on one-click copying in Excel via VBA code.

One-Click Copy by Excel VBA Code

If you are not familiar with the VBA code, you can use the following VBA code to copy the value of a cell to the clipboard with a single click:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
        If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B10")) Is Nothing Then 
        End If
    End If
End Sub

In this code, “Worksheet_SelectionChange” is a built-in event in Excel VBA that is triggered whenever a cell is selected in the worksheet.

The “If” statement checks if only one cell is selected, so that the code only runs when a single cell is clicked.

The “Application.Intersect” function is used to check if the selected cell is within the specified range (A1:B10 in this example). If the selected cell is within the range, then the value of the selected cell is copied using the “Selection.Copy” method.

Here are the complete steps to use this code in your Excel workbook:

Step1: Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. Or click the Visual Basic of Developer tab in the ribbon.

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Step2: In the Visual Basic Editor window, select the worksheet where you want to enable the copy action.

Step3: Right-click the worksheet and insert module by select “Insert” -> “Module” in the menu.

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Step4: Copy and paste the code above into the code window.

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Step5: Save the workbook and close the Visual Basic Editor.

Now, when you click on any cell in the worksheet, its value will be copied to the clipboard automatically. Select a cell where you want to paste the copied cell, press Ctrl+V to paste the content saved in the cell.

If you want to remove the restriction on one cell, you can remove the “if” statement about checking that a cell is selected. You can use the following VBA code to copy a range by single click/select.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B10")) Is Nothing Then 
        End If
End Sub

How to Always Return the Value from the Cell above in Excel

Suppose you have a simple formula “=A1+1000” in cell A2 that references the cell above it, A1. If you insert a new row above row 2, the formula in A2 will not automatically update to reference the new cell A2, which still references to A1.

Before inserting a new row:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

After inserting a new row:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Similarly, if you delete row 2, the formula in A3 will not automatically update to reference the cell above it, which is now A1. And #REF displays because B2=B2+1000 is impossible.

Before deleting Row 2:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

After deleting Row2:

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

One way to avoid the above two problems and always get the value from above cell when inserting or deleting rows in Excel is to use a simple formula with Excel INDIRECT function and Excel ADDRESS function. This post introduces these two Excel functions and provides a formula to get the cell value above the selected cell when inserting or deleting rows.

EXCEL INDIRECT Function and ADDRESS Function

The Excel INDIRECT function is used to return a reference to a cell or range of cells based on a text string that represents the cell reference. This allows you to create dynamic formulas and references that change based on the contents of other cells or the result of other calculations.

The Excel ADDRESS function is used to return the cell reference as a text string based on a specified row and column number.

To combine the bove two Excel functions, we can get a dynamic cell reference in the formula which can help us always get the cell above the selected cell. In order to achieve it in this worksheet, we can use the formula “=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN())“, instead of using the reference address of the cell, such as “B1” to refer to.

Steps of Creating the Formula with INDIRECT Function and ADDRESS Function

Step1: Enter the following formula into Cell B2:


=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()))” replaces the original data that is the cell reference.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Step2: Drag down the formula to copy it to B3. The formula “=B2+1” is replaced by the new formula “=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()))+1000” in B3, the result is the same.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Step3: When inserting a new row above the selected cell, the formula will be recalculated and the nested function ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()) always indicates to the cell above the selected cell.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell

Note that if you have new data in new row above the cell when inserting a row, the formula will always points to the new position just above the current cell.

How to Always Get the Value from the Cell